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    这是人们普遍假定,谁在家里生活, - 好国内的人,谁爱茶,他们的沙发椅,谁保持客厅的壁炉,地毯越来越温暖, - 这是一般人们认为,这些是人谁值家庭最多,最好的欣赏所有珍视机构的舒适。我倾向于怀疑这一点。这是,我认为,对于那些住谁离家最远的,对那些谁访问中找到家的最大困难,这个词传达甜蜜的想法。在世界一些遥远的地方,可能是英国人承认他的永久安息之地,但也有许多人,他不会要求他每天的房子,他的家。他将在他自己的想法,亵渎这样的词。他的家是整个湛蓝的海水,在小北小岛,这也许是他可能没有更多的访问,他已经离开,无论如何,他的生命的一半;从这些情况,以及生活的必要性,有驱逐他。他的家仍然在英国,当他谈到他的家庭的想法在那里。
    没有人能够理解这个谁没有看到或感受到了生活利息下降到许多谁吃了他们对遥远的土壤面包没有感觉强度很大。我们都倾向于认为,一个奇怪的国家的生活将会是一种非常兴奋生活搅拌企业,以及不同的场景; - 在放弃了舒适的家,我们将在交换更多的行动和冒险会比收到在我们的方式来在我们自己驯服的国家,这种情绪,我相信,派出许多年轻人漫游。采取任何同胞的20精神,并询问他是否愿意去为未来10年墨西哥!谨慎和他的父亲可能最终挽救这种流放他,但他不会拒绝无遗憾鹏。
    It is generally supposed that people who live at home,--good domestic people, who love tea and their arm-chairs, and who keep the parlour hearth-rug ever warm,--it is generally supposed that these are the people who value home the most, and best appreciate all the comforts of that cherished institution. I am inclined to doubt this. It is, I think, to those who live farthest away from home, to those who find the greatest difficulty in visiting home, that the word conveys the sweetest idea. In some distant parts of the world it may be that an Englishman acknowledges his permanent resting place; but there are many others in which he will not call his daily house, his home. He would, in his own idea, desecrate the word by doing so. His home is across the blue waters, in the little northern island, which perhaps he may visit no more; which he has left, at any rate, for half his life; from which circumstances, and the necessity of living, have banished him. His home is still in England, and when he speaks of home his thoughts are there.
    No one can understand the intensity of this feeling who has not seen or felt the absence of interest in life which falls to the lot of many who have to eat their bread on distant soils. We are all apt to think that a life in strange countries will be a life of excitement, of stirring enterprise, and varied scenes;--that in abandoning the comforts of home, we shall receive in exchange more of movement and of adventure than would come in our way in our own tame country; and this feeling has, I am sure, sent many a young man roaming. Take any spirited fellow of twenty, and ask him whether he would like to go to Mexico for the next ten years! Prudence and his father may ultimately save him from such banishment, but he will not refuse without a pang of regret.



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