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    [1]部长一样,比如“政府”。出于同样的想法更充分地表达,请参阅“Cyrop。”八。字母i. 8;八。 5。
    For myself I hold to the opinion that the qualities of the leading statesmen in a state, whatever they be, are reproduced in the character of the constitution itself.[1]
    [1] "Like minister, like government." For the same idea more fully expressed, see "Cyrop." VIII. i. 8; viii. 5.
    As, however, it has been maintained by certain leading statesmen in Athens that the recognised standard of right and wrong is as high at Athens as elsewhere, but that, owing to the pressure of poverty on the masses, a certain measure of injustice in their dealing with the allied states[2] could not be avoided; I set myself to discover whether by any manner of means it were possible for the citizens of Athens to be supported solely from the soil of Attica itself, which was obviously the most equitable solution. For if so, herein lay, as I believed, the antidote at once to their own poverty and to the feeling of suspicion with which they are regarded by the rest of Hellas.



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