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    在1817年11月6日去世,享年公主夏洛特,独生子女的摄政王,并继承了英国王冠。她短暂的一生几乎没有得到幸福的。从本质冲动,任性,和激烈的,她一直渴望自由的,她从来没有拥有它。她长大的暴力家庭争吵中,早已经从她的不光彩和偏心母亲分离,并移交给她的不光彩的和自私的父亲照顾。当她17岁,他决定娶她打出了奥兰治亲王,她在第一,默许,但突然在普鲁士奥古斯特亲王恋爱,她决心断绝了接触。这不是她第一次恋爱,因为她此前曾经在船长赫斯的秘密信件。奥古斯特已经结婚,morganatically,但她并不知道,他没有告诉她。虽然她纺出的奥兰治亲王的谈判中,盟军的主权 - 这是6月,1814年 - 在伦敦抵达庆祝他们的胜利。其中,在俄罗斯皇帝套房,是年轻英俊的王子利奥波德萨克森- Coburg等。他几次试图吸引公主的通知,但她和她的心在其他地方,甚少顾及。下个月摄政王,发现他的女儿因与奥古斯特秘密会谈,突然出现在现场后,经过解雇她的家庭,判处她在温莎公园严格隔离。 “全能的上帝给予我的耐心!”她大声说,她跪在一个下降激动痛苦:然后她跳起来,跑下来巴克斯泰斯并走上街头,欢呼路过的出租车,并开车到她母亲的家中贝斯沃特。她发现,追求,和长度,屈服,她的叔叔们的劝说,约克公爵和萨塞克斯,对蒙,和索尔兹伯里主教,她又回到酒店在两楼在凌晨。她immured在温莎,但没有更多的是在奥兰治亲王审理。奥古斯特也消失了。该方法是最后开放的利奥波德亲王萨克森- Coburg等。
    On November 6, 1817, died the Princess Charlotte, only child of the Prince Regent, and heir to the crown of England. Her short life had hardly been a happy one. By nature impulsive, capricious, and vehement, she had always longed for liberty; and she had never possessed it. She had been brought up among violent family quarrels, had been early separated from her disreputable and eccentric mother, and handed over to the care of her disreputable and selfish father. When she was seventeen, he decided to marry her off to the Prince of Orange; she, at first, acquiesced; but, suddenly falling in love with Prince Augustus of Prussia, she determined to break off the engagement. This was not her first love affair, for she had previously carried on a clandestine correspondence with a Captain Hess. Prince Augustus was already married, morganatically, but she did not know it, and he did not tell her. While she was spinning out the negotiations with the Prince of Orange, the allied sovereign--it was June, 1814--arrived in London to celebrate their victory. Among them, in the suite of the Emperor of Russia, was the young and handsome Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg. He made several attempts to attract the notice of the Princess, but she, with her heart elsewhere, paid very little attention. Next month the Prince Regent, discovering that his daughter was having secret meetings with Prince Augustus, suddenly appeared upon the scene and, after dismissing her household, sentenced her to a strict seclusion in Windsor Park. "God Almighty grant me patience!" she exclaimed, falling on her knees in an agony of agitation: then she jumped up, ran down the backstairs and out into the street, hailed a passing cab, and drove to her mother's house in Bayswater. She was discovered, pursued, and at length, yielding to the persuasions of her uncles, the Dukes of York and Sussex, of Brougham, and of the Bishop of Salisbury, she returned to Carlton House at two o'clock in the morning. She was immured at Windsor, but no more was heard of the Prince of Orange. Prince Augustus, too, disappeared. The way was at last open to Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg.



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