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    托马斯布朗爵士(他的作品占据如此突出的,他在文学的保守党在17世纪)的地位,是作者谁现在是鲜为人知,少读。此COM - parative遗忘的,他已委托是更引人注目,因为,如果没有其他,他的著作值得作为在什么可被称为过渡态的英语学习的例子。在伊丽莎白时代的散文是开始,宁的去世,给地方更多的写作风格膨胀 - 一个是,经过不同的发展阶段传递,在约翰逊最终形成的风格。
    SIR THOMAS BROWNE (whose works occupy so prominent a position in the literary his- tory of the seventeenth century) is an author who is now little known and less read. This com- parative oblivion to which he has been consigned is the more remarkable, as, if for nothing else, his writings deserve to be studied as an example of the English language in what may be termed a transition state. The prose of the Elizabethan age was begin- ning to pass away and give place to a more inflated style of writing--a style which, after passing through various stages of development, culminated in that of Johnson.
    Browne is one of the best early examples of this school; his style, to "e Johnson himself, "is vigorous but rugged, it is learned but pedantick, it is deep but obscure, it strikes but does not please, it commands but does not allure. . . . It is a tissue of many languages, a mixture of heterogeneous words brought together from distant regions."



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