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    London, Robert Browning's birthplace; his immediate predecessors
    and contemporaries in literature, art, and music; born May 7th, 1812;
    origin of the Browning family; assertions as to its Semitic connection
    apparently groundless; the poet a putative descendant
    of the Captain Micaiah Browning mentioned by Macaulay;
    Robert Browning's mother of Scottish and German origin;
    his father a man of exceptional powers, artist, poet, critic, student;
    Mr. Browning's opinion of his son's writings; the home in Camberwell;
    Robert Browning's childhood; concerning his optimism;
    his fondness for Carravaggio's "Andromeda and Perseus"; his poetic precocity;
    origin of "The Flight of the Duchess"; writes Byronic verse;
    is sent to school at Peckham; his holiday afternoons; sees London by night,
    from Herne Hill; the significance of the spectacle to him.
    Chapter 2.
    He wishes to be a poet; writes in the style of Byron and Pope;
    the "Death of Harold"; his poems, written when twelve years old,
    shown to Miss Flower; the Rev. W. J. Fox's criticisms on them;
    he comes across Shelley's "Daemon of the World"; Mrs. Browning
    procures Shelley's poems, also those of Keats, for her son;
    the perusal of these volumes proves an important event
    in his poetic development; he leaves school when fourteen years old,
    and studies at home under a tutor; attends a few lectures
    at University College, 1829-30; chooses his career, at the age of twenty;
    earliest record of his utterances concerning his youthful life printed



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