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    Of the French writers of romance of the latter part of the
    nineteenth century no one made a reputation as quickly as did Guy
    de Maupassant. Not one has preserved that reputation with more
    ease, not only during life, but in death. None so completely
    hides his personality in his glory. In an epoch of the utmost
    publicity, in which the most insignificant deeds of a celebrated
    man are spied, recorded, and commented on, the author of "Boule
    de Suif," of "Pierre et Jean," of "Notre Coeur," found a way of
    effacing his personality in his work.
    Of De Maupassant we know that he was born in Normandy about 1850;
    that he was the favorite pupil, if one may so express it, the
    literary protege, of Gustave Flaubert; that he made his debut
    late in 1880, with a novel inserted in a small collection,
    published by Emile Zola and his young friends, under the title:
    "The Soirees of Medan"; that subsequently he did not fail to
    publish stories and romances every year up to 1891, when a
    disease of the brain struck him down in the fullness of
    production; and that he died, finally, in 1893, without having
    recovered his reason.



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