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    大部分已被写入有关文献和著名的亚历山大图书馆,托勒密索特创立,年表,但首席作家的日期仍然是猜想的问题。出生的阿波罗纽斯Rhodius放在学者在296至公元前260多次,而他的死也同样不确定的一年。事实上,我们很少这方面的信息。有两个“生命”的阿波罗尼奥斯在Scholia,无论从先前的是丢失派生。从这些我们得知他是亚历山大出生,(1)他在托勒密时间住,并且是卡利马科斯学生,这还是一个青年,而他创作和在公共背诵他的“Argonautica”,而这首诗被谴责,在他退休的后果,罗得岛,这在那里,他修改了他的诗,朗诵它以极大的掌声,因此自称Rhodian。第二个“生活”补充说:“有人说,他再次回到了亚历山大和最成功的朗诵他的诗,使他对博物馆的图书馆荣幸,并与卡利马科斯埋葬。”最后一句,可能被解释由Suidas通知,谁告诉我们,阿波罗纽斯是一个埃拉托塞尼,欧福里翁和Timarchus当代的托勒密Euergetes时间,而且他成功地在亚历山大图书馆校长埃拉托塞尼。 Suidas还告诉我们在其他地方的阿里斯托芬的62成功地在这个办公室阿波罗纽斯年龄。许多现代学者否认“bibliothecariate”为顺序的原因阿波罗纽斯,并有关于它相当大的困难。
    Much has been written about the chronology of Alexandrian literature and the famous Library, founded by Ptolemy Soter, but the dates of the chief writers are still matters of conjecture. The birth of Apollonius Rhodius is placed by scholars at various times between 296 and 260 B.C., while the year of his death is equally uncertain. In fact, we have very little information on the subject. There are two "lives" of Apollonius in the Scholia, both derived from an earlier one which is lost. From these we learn that he was of Alexandria by birth, (1) that he lived in the time of the Ptolemies, and was a pupil of Callimachus; that while still a youth he composed and recited in public his "Argonautica", and that the poem was condemned, in consequence of which he retired to Rhodes; that there he revised his poem, recited it with great applause, and hence called himself a Rhodian. The second "life" adds: "Some say that he returned to Alexandria and again recited his poem with the utmost success, so that he was honoured with the libraries of the Museum and was buried with Callimachus." The last sentence may be interpreted by the notice of Suidas, who informs us that Apollonius was a contemporary of Eratosthenes, Euphorion and Timarchus, in the time of Ptolemy Euergetes, and that he succeeded Eratosthenes in the headship of the Alexandrian Library. Suidas also informs us elsewhere that Aristophanes at the age of sixty-two succeeded Apollonius in this office. Many modern scholars deny the "bibliothecariate" of Apollonius for chronological reasons, and there is considerable difficulty about it.



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