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更新时间:2017-01-18 14:45:34


    44种语言席卷全球 销售迅速突破460万册
    奔放不羁的心性 目炫神迷的追寻
    At the start of my investigations, of which this transcript is the result, I thought I was reconstructing her life so that she would see how brave and important she had been. But as the conversations went on, I gradually discovered my own hidden side, even though I don't much believe in these things. And I reached the conclusion that the real reason behind all this work was a desire to answer a question to which I'd never known the answer: why did Athena love me, when we're so different and when we don't even share the same world view?
    I remember when I kissed her for the first time, in a bar near Victoria Station. She was working for a bank at the time, and I was a detective at Scotland Yard. After we'd been out together a few times, she invited me to go and dance at her landlord's apartment, but I never did—it's not really my style.
    And instead of getting annoyed, she said that she respected my decision. When I re-read the statements made by her friends, I feel really proud, because Athena doesn't seem to have respected anyone else's decisions.
    Months later, before she set off to Dubai, I told her that I loved her. She said that she felt the same way, but added that we must be prepared to spend long periods apart. Each of us would work in a different country, but true love could withstand such a separation.
    That was the only time I dared to ask her: "Why do you love me?"
    She replied: "I don't know and I don't care."
    Now, as I put the finishing touches to these pages, I believe I may have found the answer in her last conversation with the journalist.
    Love simply is.
    25 February 2006 19:47:00
    Revised version completed on St Expeditus' Day, 2006




