作者:Andrew Lang上传:须瑶瑾分类:英文小说
"Le joyeulx temps passe souloit estre occasion que je fa
字数:109749 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-27 09:00
作者:Honore de Balzac上传:冷冰洁分类:英文小说
Father Goriot by Honore de Balzac Translated by
字数:463807 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-27 08:55
作者:David Livingstone上传:迟瀚文分类:英文小说
I beg leave to dedicate this Volume to your Lordship, as
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作者:John Clark Ridpath上传:艾春英分类:英文小说
Near the northeast corner of the old Common of Boston a
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作者:Rev. James MacCaffrey上传:裘冰安分类:英文小说
With the advent of Henry VII. to the throne (1485) a new
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作者:Enrico Ferri上传:宰思天分类:英文小说
The following pages are a translation of that portion of
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作者:Charles Reade上传:舜书意分类:英文小说
"THE Golden Star," Homburg, was a humble hotel, not used
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作者:Robert OwenOriginal上传:禽曼云分类:英文小说
To the superintendents of manufactories, and to those in
字数:172025 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-26 10:01