作者:BENJAMIN FRANKLIN上传:奈映冬分类:军事小说
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN was born in Milk Street, Boston, on
字数:302192 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:10-11-26 23:41
作者:Edmund Gosse上传:池凡霜分类:英文小说
AT the present hour, when fiction takes forms so ingenio
字数:365558 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-02 10:19
作者:John Galsworthy上传:阚如凡分类:英文小说
THE FIRST AND LAST "So the last shall be first, and
字数:423600 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-07 08:36
作者:Albert Payson Terhune上传:訾高懿分类:英文小说
Sunnybank Lad won a million friends through my book, "LA
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作者:Robert Louis Stevenson上传:亓官梦秋分类:英文小说
THESE studies are collected from the monthly press. One
字数:441552 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-10 09:42
作者:Margaret Sidney上传:马雅逸分类:英文小说
To the Memory of MY MOTHER; wise in counsel--tender
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作者:Honore de Balzac上传:冷冰洁分类:英文小说
Father Goriot by Honore de Balzac Translated by
字数:463807 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-27 08:55