作者:Robert Browning上传:告茂彦分类:英文小说
ROBERT BROWNING stands, in respect to his origin and his
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作者:Mary J. Holmes上传:求光亮分类:英文小说
"If you please, marm, the man from York State is comin'
字数:270955 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-06-25 10:23
作者:Edward P. Roe上传:乌雅滨海分类:英文小说
Chapter I. Left Alone The dreary March evening is ra
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作者:Jules Verne上传:梁丘小翠分类:英文小说
字数:440739 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-06-29 09:13
作者:Mrs. Henry Wood上传:仇若菱分类:英文小说
THE LADY ISABEL. In an easy-chair of the spacious an
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作者:Ben Jonson上传:改吉星分类:英文小说
THE greatest of English dramatists except Shakespeare, t
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作者:M. Y. Lermontov上传:项光霁分类:英文小说
THIS novel, known as one of the masterpieces of Russ
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作者:Leroy Scott上传:始思山分类:英文小说
It was an uninspiring bit of street: narrow, paved with
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作者:Eleanor Atkinson上传:祈田田分类:英文小说
When the time-gun boomed from Edinburgh Castle, Bobby ga
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作者:Frank B. Linderman上传:班昊天分类:英文小说
THE great Northwest--that wonderful fron- tier that call
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作者:Charles Darwin上传:通痴梅分类:英文小说
Although in some respects more technical in their subjec
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作者:Andrew Lang上传:须瑶瑾分类:英文小说
"Le joyeulx temps passe souloit estre occasion que je fa
字数:109749 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-27 09:00
作者:Wilkie Collins上传:休云霞分类:英文小说
I HAVE taken some pains to string together the various s
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作者:Steven Crane上传:将心水分类:英文小说
MARJORY walked pensively along the hall. In the cool sha
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作者:Honore de Balzac上传:卯思佳分类:英文小说
EARLY MISTAKES It was a Sunday morning in the beginn
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作者:Father Jerome Lobo上传:呼延冰蝶分类:英文小说
Jeronimo Lobo was born in Lisbon in the year 1593. He en
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作者:Rebecca Harding Davis上传:粟泰河分类:英文小说
FRANCES WALDEAUX ---- CHAPTER I In another minute th
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作者:Linda Howard上传:干孤松分类:英文小说
PART ONE Chapter One 1994, Iran It was cold in the rough
字数:393152 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-08-04 10:16