作者:Jonathan Swift上传:春鸿志分类:英文小说
[The author gives some account of himself and family. Hi
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作者:Hiram Corson, LL.D上传:阚自珍分类:英文小说
My dear Dr. Corson, I waited some days after the arr
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作者:HANS GROSS上传:碧鲁书仪分类:英文小说
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作者:Alfred, Lord Tennyson上传:翦康震分类:英文小说
These to His Memory--since he held them dear, Percha
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作者:Samuel White Baker上传:琦采文分类:英文小说
CHAPTER I. Colombo - Dullness of the Town - Cinnamon Gar
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作者:Henry Cabot Lodge上传:虎海秋分类:英文小说
To you we owe the suggestion of writing this book. Its p
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作者:Henry James上传:厚飞雪分类:英文小说
We good Americans - I say it without presumption - are t
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作者:Anna Katharine Green上传:夕香卉分类:英文小说
"A remarkable man!" It was not my husband speaking,
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作者:Nathaniel Hawthorne上传:费莫悠逸分类:英文小说
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作者:Margaret Hill McCarter上传:府欣可分类:英文小说
In the old days there were angels who came and took
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作者:Susan Fenimore Cooper上传:士静姝分类:英文小说
CHAPTER I {would be CHAPTER XXIV, if numbered from begin
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作者:B. M. BOWER上传:冠念柏分类:英文小说
Without going into a deep, psychological discussion of t
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作者:Honore de Balzac上传:朱子晋分类:英文小说
DEDICATION To Maria. May your name, that of one
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作者:Margaret Sidney上传:马雅逸分类:英文小说
To the Memory of MY MOTHER; wise in counsel--tender
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作者:Mary Mapes Dodge上传:通佁然分类:英文小说
This little work aims to combine the instructive feature
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作者:Robert Louis Stevenson上传:武骞骞分类:英文小说
It is the fate of sequels to disappoint those who have w
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作者:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow上传:邶雅彤分类:英文小说
THIS is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the
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作者:B. M. Bower上传:稽瑛瑶分类:英文小说
Stranded on the Prairie. "By George, look behind us!
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作者:Charles Reade上传:邱三诗分类:英文小说
THERE are places which appear, at first sight, inaccessi
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作者:G. K. Chesterton上传:莫悦媛分类:英文小说
Rightly or wrongly, it is certain that a man both libera
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作者:Anthony Hope上传:郗冬灵分类:英文小说
Neither life nor the lawn-tennis club was so full at Nat
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作者:Honore de Balzac上传:钟离梦秋分类:英文小说
I inscribe this to you, my dear Heine, to you that repre
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作者:Charles Darwin上传:通痴梅分类:英文小说
Although in some respects more technical in their subjec
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作者:Wilkie Collins上传:孛意蕴分类:英文小说
Outside the bedroom the night was black and still. T
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作者:Charles Reade上传:舜书意分类:英文小说
"THE Golden Star," Homburg, was a humble hotel, not used
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