作者:[OHIYESA] Charles Eastman上传:盈言文分类:英文小说
Earliest RecollectionsI: Hadakah, "The Pitiful Last"
字数:244923 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-06-28 09:12
作者:John McCrae上传:夔元芹分类:英文小说
John McCrae, physician, soldier, and poet, died in Franc
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作者:Alfred, Lord Tennyson上传:翦康震分类:英文小说
These to His Memory--since he held them dear, Percha
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作者:Frank B. Linderman上传:班昊天分类:英文小说
THE great Northwest--that wonderful fron- tier that call
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作者:James Stephens上传:宜和悌分类:英文小说
Finnian, the Abbott of Moville, went southwards and east
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作者:Henry Lawson上传:赏慕蕊分类:英文小说
[Note on content: Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson were w
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作者:Katherine Mansfield上传:杜云亭分类:英文小说
Bread soup was placed upon the table. "Ah," said the Her
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作者:JEROME K. JEROME上传:竹忆敏分类:英文小说
One or two friends to whom I showed these papers in MS.
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作者:Miriam Michelson上传:况安双分类:英文小说
When the thing was at its hottest, I bolted. Tom, like t
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作者:Richard Steele上传:抗雨筠分类:英文小说
Of the relations between Steele and Addison, and the ori
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作者:Mark Twain上传:翦怜容分类:英文小说
Scattered here and there through the stacks of unpublish
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作者:Anna Katharine Green上传:夕香卉分类:英文小说
"A remarkable man!" It was not my husband speaking,
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作者:Wilkie Collins上传:孛意蕴分类:英文小说
Outside the bedroom the night was black and still. T
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作者:Jules Verne上传:禹和静分类:英文小说
INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME FOUR THE three books gathered und
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作者:General William Booth上传:谈学真分类:英文小说
To the memory of the companion, counsellor, and comrade
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作者:Giraldus Cambrensis上传:犹芳林分类:英文小说
Gerald the Welshman - Giraldus Cambrensis - was born, pr
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作者:Hiram Corson, LL.D上传:阚自珍分类:英文小说
My dear Dr. Corson, I waited some days after the arr
字数:511706 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-15 10:13