作者:Andrew Lang上传:须瑶瑾分类:英文小说
"Le joyeulx temps passe souloit estre occasion que je fa
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作者:Robert OwenOriginal上传:禽曼云分类:英文小说
To the superintendents of manufactories, and to those in
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作者:Thomas De Quincey上传:斯子明分类:英文小说
I here present you, courteous reader, with the record of
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作者:Lucy Larcom上传:节友珊分类:英文小说
THE following sketch was written for the young, at the s
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作者:James Stephens上传:宜和悌分类:英文小说
Finnian, the Abbott of Moville, went southwards and east
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作者:Honore de Balzac上传:钟离梦秋分类:英文小说
I inscribe this to you, my dear Heine, to you that repre
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作者:Anthony Hope上传:郗冬灵分类:英文小说
Neither life nor the lawn-tennis club was so full at Nat
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作者:Leo Tolstoy上传:路悦爱分类:英文小说
THE TUTOR, KARL IVANITCH On the 12th of August, 18--
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作者:G. K. Chesterton上传:莫悦媛分类:英文小说
Rightly or wrongly, it is certain that a man both libera
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作者:Elia W. Peattie上传:革畅然分类:英文小说
MOST of the tales in this little book have been printed
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作者:B. M. Bower上传:稽瑛瑶分类:英文小说
Stranded on the Prairie. "By George, look behind us!
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作者:Margaret Hill McCarter上传:府欣可分类:英文小说
In the old days there were angels who came and took
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作者:Nathaniel Hawthorne上传:费莫悠逸分类:英文小说
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作者:Thomas Carlyle上传:段干语梦分类:英文小说
The Icelanders, in their long winter, had a great habit
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作者:Frank B. Linderman上传:班昊天分类:英文小说
THE great Northwest--that wonderful fron- tier that call
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作者:Henry Cabot Lodge上传:虎海秋分类:英文小说
To you we owe the suggestion of writing this book. Its p
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作者:J. Storer Clousten上传:修宛秋分类:英文小说
It is only with the politest affectation of interest, as
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作者:Eleanor Atkinson上传:祈田田分类:英文小说
When the time-gun boomed from Edinburgh Castle, Bobby ga
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作者:John Bunyan上传:狄萍韵分类:英文小说
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners In a faithful ac
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作者:Lafcadio Hearn上传:宫寄文分类:英文小说
Travelling south from New Orleans to the Islands, you pa
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作者:M. Y. Lermontov上传:项光霁分类:英文小说
THIS novel, known as one of the masterpieces of Russ
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作者:Ben Jonson上传:改吉星分类:英文小说
THE greatest of English dramatists except Shakespeare, t
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作者:Horatio Alger上传:杞闲静分类:英文小说
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作者:Philip Sidney上传:冀夜梅分类:英文小说
Philip Sidney was born at Penshurst, in Kent, on the 29t
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