作者:Thomas Love Peacock上传:蔡以晴分类:英文小说
Thomas Love Peacock was born at Weymouth in 1785. His fi
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作者:John Pinkerton上传:霜春晓分类:英文小说
Contents: Introduction Pelsart Tasman Da
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作者:Robert Browning上传:告茂彦分类:英文小说
ROBERT BROWNING stands, in respect to his origin and his
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作者:Mary J. Holmes上传:求光亮分类:英文小说
"If you please, marm, the man from York State is comin'
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作者:Elizabeth Gaskell上传:叶永长分类:英文小说
It is a great thing for a lad when he is first turned in
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作者:Oscar Wilde上传:白雨安分类:英文小说
THE PERSONS OF THE PLAYLord IllingworthSir John Pontefra
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作者:John Tyndall上传:允弘致分类:英文小说
Chapter 1. Parentage: introduction to the royal inst
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作者:William Wells Brown上传:帅采梦分类:英文小说
THE SLAVE'S SOCIAL CIRCLE. WITH the growing populati
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作者:[OHIYESA] Charles Eastman上传:盈言文分类:英文小说
Earliest RecollectionsI: Hadakah, "The Pitiful Last"
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作者:Henry Morley上传:董元槐分类:英文小说
Recitation with dramatic energy by men whose business it
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作者:John McCrae上传:夔元芹分类:英文小说
John McCrae, physician, soldier, and poet, died in Franc
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作者:Charles Whibley上传:亓弘和分类:英文小说
There are other manifestations of greatness than to reli
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作者:Abraham Cowley上传:似英叡分类:英文小说
Abraham Cowley was the son of Thomas Cowley, stationer,
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作者:Daniel Defoe上传:仲孙怡然分类:英文小说
I find so much left to speak of, and so many things to s
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作者:Richard Steele上传:抗雨筠分类:英文小说
Of the relations between Steele and Addison, and the ori
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作者:Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy上传:禾雪冰分类:英文小说
I was baptized and brought up in the Orthodox Christian
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作者:Maria Edgeworth上传:缑嘉禾分类:英文小说
The story of the Edgeworth Family, if it were properly t
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作者:Mark Twain上传:翦怜容分类:英文小说
Scattered here and there through the stacks of unpublish
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作者:John Fox Jr.上传:保璇子分类:英文小说
THE cave had been their hiding-place as children; it was
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作者:William Morris上传:雪寄松分类:英文小说
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作者:Foreign Trade上传:贾宜春分类:英文小说
Englands Treasure by Forraign Trade. or The Ballance of
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作者:Sara Teasdale上传:奕夜梅分类:英文小说
Blue Squills Stars "What Do I Care?" Meadowl
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作者:Susanna Rowson上传:马凡霜分类:英文小说
CHAPTER I. A Boarding School. CHAPTER II. Do
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作者:Edwin A. Abbott上传:绪昊乾分类:英文小说
The Inhabitants of SPACE IN GENERAL And H. C. IN PAR
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作者:W. B. M. Ferguson上传:汗含之分类:英文小说
A SHATTERED IDOL. As he made his way out of the padd
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