作者:B. M. Bower上传:寇念念分类:英文小说
字数:304878 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-14 09:59
作者:B. M. Bower上传:农辰韦分类:英文小说
PEACEFUL HART RANCH It was somewhere in the seventie
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作者:Thomas Carlyle上传:巩忆安分类:英文小说
We have undertaken to discourse here for a little on Gre
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作者:Henry Smith Williams上传:抗如云分类:英文小说
字数:405787 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-15 09:58
作者:Jonathan Swift上传:春鸿志分类:英文小说
[The author gives some account of himself and family. Hi
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作者:Alfred, Lord Tennyson上传:翦康震分类:英文小说
These to His Memory--since he held them dear, Percha
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作者:Samuel White Baker上传:琦采文分类:英文小说
CHAPTER I. Colombo - Dullness of the Town - Cinnamon Gar
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作者:Henry James上传:厚飞雪分类:英文小说
We good Americans - I say it without presumption - are t
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作者:Anna Katharine Green上传:夕香卉分类:英文小说
"A remarkable man!" It was not my husband speaking,
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作者:B. M. BOWER上传:冠念柏分类:英文小说
Without going into a deep, psychological discussion of t
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作者:E. Phillips Oppenheim上传:闪水悦分类:英文小说
"Filth," grunted Trent - "ugh! I tell you what it is, my
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作者:Honore de Balzac上传:朱子晋分类:英文小说
DEDICATION To Maria. May your name, that of one
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作者:Margaret Sidney上传:马雅逸分类:英文小说
To the Memory of MY MOTHER; wise in counsel--tender
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作者:Mary Mapes Dodge上传:通佁然分类:英文小说
This little work aims to combine the instructive feature
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作者:Madame Ida Pfeiffer上传:以凡白分类:英文小说
The success which attended the publication in this Serie
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作者:Robert Louis Stevenson上传:武骞骞分类:英文小说
It is the fate of sequels to disappoint those who have w
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作者:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow上传:邶雅彤分类:英文小说
THIS is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the
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作者:Emile Gaboriau上传:旷和暖分类:英文小说
PUTTING ON THE SCREW. The cold on the 8th of Februar
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作者:David Lindsay上传:卓寒云分类:英文小说
On a march evening, at eight o'clock, Backhouse, the med
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作者:Enrico Ferri上传:宰思天分类:英文小说
The following pages are a translation of that portion of
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作者:Honore de Balzac上传:冷冰洁分类:英文小说
Father Goriot by Honore de Balzac Translated by
字数:463807 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-27 08:55
作者:Hugh G. Evelyn上传:臧端丽分类:英文小说
Contains translations of the following works: Hesiod
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作者:Edmund G. Ross上传:戎代双分类:英文小说
Little is now known to the general public of the history
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作者:W. H. Hudson上传:屠晨涛分类:英文小说
I take up pen for this foreword with the fear of one who
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作者:Andrew Lang上传:司徒千亦分类:英文小说
Preface Adventures Among Books Recollections of
字数:342776 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-08-03 08:45