作者:Cecelia Ahern上传:卷晨旭分类:英文小说
For David One HOLLY HELD THE BLUE COTTON sweater to her
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作者:Robert Hichens上传:逯依薇分类:英文小说
Somewhere, not far off on the still sea that held the ti
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作者:Benjamin Rumford上传:摩霞文分类:英文小说
First Essay An account of an Establishment for the P
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作者:Marcus Clarke上传:休银河分类:英文小说
SIR CHARLES GAVAN DUFFY My Dear Sir Charles, I take
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作者:Mrs. Henry Wood上传:仇若菱分类:英文小说
THE LADY ISABEL. In an easy-chair of the spacious an
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作者:Noah Brooks上传:矫昊乾分类:英文小说
A Great Transaction in Land The people of the young
字数:507911 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-07-06 10:30
作者:Louise Muhlbach上传:招凡波分类:英文小说
It was in the year 1543. King Henry the Eighth of Englan
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作者:Sir Walter Scott上传:巩凝云分类:英文小说
The Novel or Romance of WAVERLEY made its way to the pub
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作者:Susan Fenimore Cooper上传:士静姝分类:英文小说
CHAPTER I {would be CHAPTER XXIV, if numbered from begin
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作者:Charles Reade上传:邱三诗分类:英文小说
THERE are places which appear, at first sight, inaccessi
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作者:Wilkie Collins上传:孛意蕴分类:英文小说
Outside the bedroom the night was black and still. T
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作者:Rev. James MacCaffrey上传:裘冰安分类:英文小说
With the advent of Henry VII. to the throne (1485) a new
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作者:David Livingstone上传:迟瀚文分类:英文小说
I beg leave to dedicate this Volume to your Lordship, as
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作者:Richard Harding Davis上传:勤娟丽分类:英文小说
Richard Harding Davis was born in Philadelphia on April
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作者:Washington Irving上传:扶飞丹分类:英文小说
Although the following Chronicle bears the name of the v
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作者:Jules Verne上传:禹和静分类:英文小说
INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME FOUR THE three books gathered und
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作者:Wilkie Collins上传:休云霞分类:英文小说
I HAVE taken some pains to string together the various s
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作者:John Gower上传:兴野云分类:英文小说
Torpor, ebes sensus, scola parua labor minimusque Ca
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作者:Fyodor Dostoevsky上传:诸绮山分类:英文小说
ON AN exceptionally hot evening early in July a young ma
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作者:Richard Nelson Bolles上传:曹访曼分类:英文小说
字数:538077 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:11-08-28 11:04
作者:Chretien DeTroyes上传:亓官丁辰分类:英文小说
Chretien De Troyes has had the peculiar fortune of becom
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作者:General William Booth上传:谈学真分类:英文小说
To the memory of the companion, counsellor, and comrade
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作者:胡赛尼 著,李继宏 译上传:肇晓灵分类:英文小说
字数:564273 字 大小:3.84 MB 更新:10-01-31 00:00