- 《George Sand》TXT全集
书籍作者:Rene Doumic
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:315853 字
更新时间:2011-06-26 08:56:55
First published in 1910. This volume is dedicated to Madame
L. Landouzy with gratitude and affection
This book is not intended as a study of George Sand. It is
merely a series of chapters touching on various aspects of her life
and writings. My work will not be lost if the perusal of these pages
should inspire one of the historians of our literature with the idea
of devoting to the great novelist, to her genius and her influence,
a work of this kind.In the whole of French literary history, there is, perhaps, no subject of such inexhaustible and modern interest as that of George Sand. Of what use is literary history? It is not only a kind of museum, in which a few masterpieces are preserved for the pleasure of beholders. It is this certainly, but it is still more than this. Fine books are, before anything else, living works. They not only