- 《Repertory of the Comedie Humaine-1》TXT全集
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书籍字数:439244 字
更新时间:2017-01-19 14:09:43
“工作的法国科学院加冕”是一个重要的线,头衔的先生们Cerfberr和Christophe的巨著原版页面承担。的座右铭表示崇高敬意,其中法国当局认为这很必要补充伟大Balzacian结构。 ,甚至没有批准这个词,聪明的读者需要,而是在对人间喜剧/汇编的网页一目了然/说服他在曾经是它的效用。
"Work crowned by the French Academy" is a significant line borne by the title-page of the original edition of Messieurs Cerfberr and Christophe's monumental work. The motto indicates the high esteem in which the French authorities hold this very necessary adjunct to the great Balzacian structure. And even without this word of approval, the intelligent reader needs but a glance within the pages of the /Repertory of the Comedie Humaine/ to convince him at once of its utility.
In brief, the purpose of the /Repertory/ is to give in alphabetical sequence the names of all the characters forming this Balzacian society, together with the salient points in their lives. It is, of course, well known that Balzac made his characters appear again and again, thus creating out of his distinct novels a miniature world. To cite a case in point, Rastignac, who comes as near being the hero of the /Comedie/ as any other single character, makes his first appearance in /Father Goriot/, as a student of law; then appearing and disappearing fitfully in a score of principal novels, he is finally made a minister and peer of France. Without the aid of the /Repertory/ it would be difficult for any save a reader of the entire /Comedie/ to trace out his career. But here it is arranged in temporal sequence, thus giving us a concrete view of the man and his relation to this society.
In reading any separate story, when reference is made in passing to a character, the reader will find it helpful and interesting to turn to the /Repertory/ and find what manner of man it is that is under advisement. A little systematic reading of this nature will speedily render the reader a "confirmed Balzacian."