书籍作者:Gertrude Atherton
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    阿一长串格特鲁德阿瑟顿的作品有她的信贷作为一名作家。她是无可争议的天才女子。不,她的天才是独特的女性,尽管她是历史的一个PAS -事项sionate党派。是谁批准的批评她的工作多数人同意,在生活中,她认为主要与男性的慷慨精神有点。她既是现实主义作为一个可以与谁是浪漫的是加利福尼亚州,她的出生地和她的家中,饱和如果这种真正的世界公民,因为她可以说是有一个家。在所有她写有密集的生活,她的性格是坚定的把握,她的风格有一个温暖的,发光的可塑性,往往节奏variously所有广泛的感情表达,一名作家必须让他或她的书生活事情。她也同样良好,比在妇女肖像男子写照。所有突出环境的生动清晰,而且都是权力的人物 - 甚至有时是“强有力的力量称为弱点。”他们都戴上了光荣的东西传授给他们,并对他们的创造者和翻译的同情。高的任何我们最好的美国作家名单,我们必须加入夫人的阿瑟顿的名字。
    她所有的书我最喜欢这个“列扎诺夫,”虽然我没有发现许多人同意我的看法。并非如此狂妄的人更经常地表扬。这是一个简单的故事,几乎可以说一件事或一个故事。这是不是真的成熟。对我来说,这是它的坚定的魅力。我发现这不是一个奇怪的原始质量,使我想到“Aucassin和Nico -莱特很少。”它与其说是一种新的作为他的,建设性的历史牧歌,没有不被同情的持续弥漫阅读并永远没有重复温柔的记忆中。记住,我说?这是令人难忘的。美国有几本书的起源抵制这么好几年的通过,是更多采取稳步格南的“难以想象的时间接触我们的。” “雷日,方差分析”,是典型的,或者我想念我的猜测。这虽然是首次出版,是近日在1906年。
    A long list of works Gertrude Atherton has to her credit as a writer. She is indisputably a woman of genius. Not that her genius is distinctively feminine, though she is in matters historical a pas- sionate partisan. Most of the critics who approve her work agree that in the main she views life with somewhat of the masculine spirit of liberality. She is as much the realist as one can be who is saturated with the romance that is California, her birthplace and her home, if such a true cosmopolite as she can be said to have a home. In all she has written there is abounding life; her grasp of character is firm; her style has a warm, glowing plasticity, frequently a rhythm variously expressive of all the wide range of feeling which a writer must have to make his or her books living things. She does no less well in the depiction of men than in the portraiture of women. All stand out of their vivid environment distinctly and they are all personalities of power-- even, occasionally, of "that strong power called weakness." And they all wear something of a glory imparted to them by the sympathy of their creator and interpreter. High upon any roster of our best American writers we must enroll the name of Mrs. Atherton.
    Of all her books I like best this "Rezanov," though I have not found many to agree with me. It is not so pretentious as others more frequently commended. It is a simple story, almost one might say an incident or an anecdote. It is not literally sophisticated. For me that is its unfailing charm. I find in it not a little of the strange, primeval quality that makes me think of "Aucassin and Nico- lette." For it is not so much a novel as an his- torical idyl, not to be read without a persisting suffusion of sympathy and never to be remembered without a recurring tenderness. Remembered, did I say? It is unforgettable. There are few books of American origin that resist so well the passing of the years, that take on more steadily the glam- our of "the unimaginable touch of time." "Rez- anov" is a classic, or I miss my guess. This, though it was first published so recently as 1906.

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