- 《paul and virginia》TXT全集
书籍作者:Bernardin de Saint Pierre
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:219177 字
更新时间:2017-01-25 10:31:12
在向公众介绍这一众所周知的,而且影响到目前的故事版本, - 在/厨师开胃的天才作者/,出版商采取某些场合说过,他们认为它可以提供不小的满足,为众多崇拜者通报对“保罗和弗吉尼亚州,”该/全/圣皮埃尔工作现已提交给他们。所有以前的版本已通过插值毁容,以及众多的遗漏和改建,它们不得不减少从一个哲学故事葛老的影响,被残害的儿童故事,只是水平。
对案情“保罗和弗吉尼亚,”这是根本没有必要说出一个字,它讲述自己的故事,雄辩滔滔,令人印象深刻,和简单的语言,自然和真实的,它牵涉到世界共同的核心。但很少有作品已经取得了更大程度的普及,没有一个是更值得它;和发布,因此不能避免表达了希望从而使该作品的忠实谈话的努力, - 一个公认的经典欧洲世界, - 可能是,在一定程度上有助于觉醒这里,在家里,一对花色,为高工程,同时谋求提高和加强理解,指导和净化心灵的味道。正是在这个字符的故事“保罗和弗吉尼亚”级的卓越。 [制备由波特和科茨,费城,美国发表了版]
In introducing to the Public the present edition of this well known and affecting Tale,--the /chef d'oeuvre/ of its gifted author, the Publishers take occasion to say, that it affords them no little gratification, to apprise the numerous admirers of "Paul and Virginia," that the /entire/ work of St. Pierre is now presented to them. All the previous editions have been disfigured by interpolations, and mutilated by numerous omissions and alterations, which have had the effect of reducing it from the rank of a Philosophical Tale, to the level of a mere story for children.
Of the merits of "Paul and Virginia," it is hardly necessary to utter a word; it tells its own story eloquently and impressively, and in a language simple, natural and true, it touches the common heart of the world. There are but few works that have obtained a greater degree of popularity, none are more deserving it; and the Publishers cannot therefore refrain from expressing a hope that their efforts in thus giving a faithful transcript of the work,--an acknowledged classic by the European world,--may be, in some degree, instrumental in awakening here, at home, a taste for those higher works of Fancy, which, while they seek to elevate and strengthen the understanding, instruct and purify the heart. It is in this character that the Tale of "Paul and Virginia" ranks pre-eminent. [Prepared from an edition published by Porter & Coates, Philadelphia, U.S.A.]