《people out of time》TXT全集
people out of time
书籍作者:Edgar Rice Burroughs
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:168522 字
更新时间:2017-01-25 10:20:45


    我不得不承认,尽管我已经走过很长的距离,位置在父亲的手鲍文泰勒的手稿,我还是小事,以怀疑的诚意,因为我无法记得,但没有多年因为鲍文曾经是他的母校最臭名昭著的实际双王之一。事实是,由于我坐在圣莫尼卡我开始感到一种愚蠢的小事,并希望我只是转发,而不是亲自表示轴承的手稿泰勒库,我得承认,我不喜欢被嘲笑。我有一个幽默发达的意义 - 当笑话不是我。
    I am forced to admit that even though I had traveled a long distance to place Bowen Tyler's manuscript in the hands of his father, I was still a trifle skeptical as to its sincerity, since I could not but recall that it had not been many years since Bowen had been one of the most notorious practical jokers of his alma mater. The truth was that as I sat in the Tyler library at Santa Monica I commenced to feel a trifle foolish and to wish that I had merely forwarded the manuscript by express instead of bearing it personally, for I confess that I do not enjoy being laughed at. I have a well-developed sense of humor--when the joke is not on me.
    Mr. Tyler, Sr., was expected almost hourly. The last steamer in from Honolulu had brought information of the date of the expected sailing of his yacht Toreador, which was now twenty-four hours overdue. Mr. Tyler's assistant secretary, who had been left at home, assured me that there was no doubt but that the Toreador had sailed as promised, since he knew his employer well enough to be positive that nothing short of an act of God would prevent his doing what he had planned to do. I was also aware of the fact that the sending apparatus of the Toreador's wireless equipment was sealed, and that it would only be used in event of dire necessity. There was, therefore, nothing to do but wait, and we waited.

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