- 《put yourself in his place》TXT全集
书籍作者:Charles Reade
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:900729 字
更新时间:2017-01-31 10:44:53
但行业那么大,蒸汽工作在有限的空间,已是致命的美丽:晓峰,虽然对在英格兰最美丽的网站之一建成,也许是创造的最丑恶的城市。所有UPS和背部上下贫民窟。不属于其蠕动,破支持的街道有一种不间断连续漂亮的商店。房子似乎在空气中进行斗争,并坚持在任何地方滚下去,死亡的混战了。但是,最糟糕的城市麻子与公共房屋,烟囱高圆刷毛。这些不仅限于一个地方,而且是在像橙色的丁香的地方停留。他们藐视法律,打嗝黑烟卷马西规定,即挂像黑纱亩以上的地方,和埋没了太阳和蓝天,即使在最亮的一天。但在雾 - 为什么在希尔斯伯勒空气看起来事情犁,如果你想要一个肮脏的工作。
Hillsborough and its outlying suburbs make bricks by the million, spin and weave both wool and cotton, forge in steel from the finest needle up to a ship's armor, and so add considerably to the kingdom's wealth.
But industry so vast, working by steam on a limited space, has been fatal to beauty: Hillsborough, though built on one of the loveliest sites in England, is perhaps the most hideous town in creation. All ups and down and back slums. Not one of its wriggling, broken- backed streets has handsome shops in an unbroken row. Houses seem to have battled in the air, and stuck wherever they tumbled down dead out of the melee. But worst of all, the city is pockmarked with public-houses, and bristles with high round chimneys. These are not confined to a locality, but stuck all over the place like cloves in an orange. They defy the law, and belch forth massy volumes of black smoke, that hang like acres of crape over the place, and veil the sun and the blue sky even in the brightest day. But in a fog--why, the air of Hillsborough looks a thing to plow, if you want a dirty job.