《Maid Marian》TXT全集
Maid Marian
书籍作者:Thomas Love Peacock
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:165431 字
更新时间:2017-02-05 13:34:37


    “在他的住持白蛋白,排列,”站在了修道院,教堂祭坛的Rubygill,与他所有的丰满,光滑,红润修士,在优美的线条处理,以solemnise美丽的明德菲茨沃特,对女儿的婚礼伯乐阿灵福,与高尚罗伯特菲茨-切牙,亨廷顿的洛克斯利和厄尔。修道院的Rubygill站在一个风景如画的山谷,在从舍伍德福里斯特西部边界的距离不大,在一个似乎天生适合成为寺院禁欲撤退的地方,就被罚款鳟鱼流的银行,在林地羽中,以优秀的游戏丰富。与她的父亲和随之而来的姑娘,新娘,走进教堂,但还没有到达的伯爵。男爵很惊讶,并bridemaidens的不安。玛蒂尔达担心自己遭受了一些邪恶的情人,但觉得没有她在他的荣誉与爱的信心减弱。通过对教堂她看不起狭窄的道路,沿着山边伤口打开大门,她的耳朵是第一个听到远处的马践踏,她的眼睛是第一个引起了雪羽闪烁,和抛光长矛轻。 “这很奇怪,”男爵认为,“伯爵说,应该在这个武术阵列他的婚礼,”但他没有长时间打坐的现象,为发泡战马席卷到像旋风门,伯爵,气喘吁吁的速度,和由他自耕农数其次,先进的,他微笑着新娘。就在那时没有时间提问,是为机关全面一阵,而choristers了充分的声音。
    Now come ye for peace here, or come ye for war? SCOTT.
    "The abbot, in his alb arrayed," stood at the altar in the abbey-chapel of Rubygill, with all his plump, sleek, rosy friars, in goodly lines disposed, to solemnise the nuptials of the beautiful Matilda Fitzwater, daughter of the Baron of Arlingford, with the noble Robert Fitz-Ooth, Earl of Locksley and Huntingdon. The abbey of Rubygill stood in a picturesque valley, at a little distance from the western boundary of Sherwood Forest, in a spot which seemed adapted by nature to be the retreat of monastic mortification, being on the banks of a fine trout-stream, and in the midst of woodland coverts, abounding with excellent game. The bride, with her father and attendant maidens, entered the chapel; but the earl had not arrived. The baron was amazed, and the bridemaidens were disconcerted. Matilda feared that some evil had befallen her lover, but felt no diminution of her confidence in his honour and love. Through the open gates of the chapel she looked down the narrow road that wound along the side of the hill; and her ear was the first that heard the distant trampling of horses, and her eye was the first that caught the glitter of snowy plumes, and the light of polished spears. "It is strange," thought the baron, "that the earl should come in this martial array to his wedding;" but he had not long to meditate on the phenomenon, for the foaming steeds swept up to the gate like a whirlwind, and the earl, breathless with speed, and followed by a few of his yeomen, advanced to his smiling bride. It was then no time to ask questions, for the organ was in full peal, and the choristers were in full voice.

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