- 《Miss or Mrs》TXT全集
书籍作者:Wilkie Collins
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:144267 字
更新时间:2017-02-05 14:46:31
夜已经走到了尽头。新出生的日子等待着它快速的土地是永远不会知道沉默 - 沉默光日出之前,在海上平静。
不是来自死亡气息的空气。不是动不动就激起涟漪的水。没有什么改变,但轻轻增长轻,没有什么感动,但懒惰的薄雾,卷曲起来,以应付太阳,它的主人,在东海。通过优良等级,清晨通风面纱减薄的实质内容则上升 - 变薄,直到有曙光在第一道阳光透过它一个高大的白色风帆游艇斯库纳。
从头至尾保持沉默所拥有的船只 - 拥有作为沉默的大海。
The night had come to an end. The new-born day waited for its quickening light in the silence that is never known on land--the silence before sunrise, in a calm at sea.
Not a breath came from the dead air. Not a ripple stirred on the motionless water. Nothing changed but the softly-growing light; nothing moved but the lazy mist, curling up to meet the sun, its master, on the eastward sea. By fine gradations, the airy veil of morning thinned in substance as it rose--thinned, till there dawned through it in the first rays of sunlight the tall white sails of a Schooner Yacht.
From stem to stern silence possessed the vessel--as silence possessed the sea.