- 《never againFree》TXT全集
书籍作者:Edward Carpenter
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:22867 字
更新时间:2017-02-03 15:08:31
这事决不能再发生。现在是时候了 - 如果人类不希望在自己的疯狂破坏本身 - 男人,以弥补他们将做什么,将来他们的头脑,现在确实是真的,我们是来在十字路口,我们站在分道扬镳。
科学发明的快速和巨大的增长明显,使得暴力10倍以上烈性险恶比我们所目睹的日常很可能不久将可为我所用 - 或者滥用战争 - 。另一方面谁可以怀疑,交流与了解世界各国人民作出的迅速增长是每天战本身,不可避免地与它有关的暴行,更可恶的,以我们共同的人性?
到底哪一条是我们学习吗?沿着这些路径我们该何去何从?这是一个问题,就是质量 - 欧洲人民的未来 - 不仅是各国政府---将认真考虑并作出决定。
Never again must this Thing happen. The time has come -- if the human race does not wish to destroy itself in its own madness -- for men to make up their minds as to what they will do in the future; for now indeed is it true that we are come to the cross-roads, we stand at the Parting of the Ways.
The rapid and enormous growth of scientific invention makes it obvious that Violence ten times more potent and sinister than that which we are witnessing to-day may very shortly be available for our use -- or abuse -- in War. On the other hand who can doubt that the rapid growth of interchange and understanding among the peoples of the world is daily making Warfare itself, and the barbarities inevitably connected with it, more abhorrent to our common humanity?
Which of these lines are we to follow? Along which path are we to go? This is a question which the mass -- peoples of Europe in the future -- and not merely the Governments --- will have seriously to ponder and decide.