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书籍作者:Anthony Trollope
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:657848 字
更新时间:2017-02-03 16:38:53
在美国华盛顿市的网站目前被选择有三个:一是特殊的看法,即在波托马克它可能被充分利用的水,运输和海港口;其次,它可能是这样远离海洋中删除板,以从入侵安全;以及第三,它可能是中央的所有国家一样。据推测,在华盛顿成立,这三个优势将是由选定的位置担保。至于第一,波托马克给予各城市,而是一个海港口的优势等等。船舶可以出现,但不是大的负担船只。这条河似乎已经缩小,因为该网站被选中,目前它是,我认为,显而易见,美国决不能在其航运大。 Statio benefida carinis永远是它的座右铭。至于第二点,奇足够华盛顿是,就是已在敌人的,因为美国拥有唯一的城市联盟已成为一个国家。在1812年战争是在我们手中,我们烧毁。至于从土地所在的第三点,华盛顿,几乎已经可以说是在任何时候centrical。由于受沿岸的违规行为,是不是来自不同方面的铁路交通便利。巴尔的摩本来好得多。但据我们现在可以看到的,以及我们现在可以判断,
The site of the present City of Washington was chosen with three special views: firstly, that being on the Potomac it might have the full advantage of water-carriage and a sea-port; secondly, that it might be so far removed from the sea-board as to be safe from invasion; and, thirdly, that it might be central alike to all the States. It was presumed, when Washington was founded, that these three advantages would be secured by the selected position. As regards the first, the Potomac affords to the city but few of the advantages of a sea-port. Ships can come up, but not ships of large burden. The river seems to have dwindled since the site was chosen, and at present it is, I think, evident that Washington can never be great in its shipping. Statio benefida carinis can never be its motto. As regards the second point, singularly enough Washington is the only city of the Union that has been in an enemy's possession since the United States became a nation. In the war of 1812 it fell into our hands, and we burned it. As regards the third point, Washington, from the lie of the land, can hardly have been said to be centrical at any time. Owing to the irregularities of the coast it is not easy of access by railways from different sides. Baltimore would have been far better. But as far as we can now see, and as well as we can now judge,