- 《stories from pentameroneFree》TXT全集
书籍作者:Giambattista Basile
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:337153 字
更新时间:2017-02-03 16:49:23
从前的国王谷木本植物名为佐扎,谁是从来没有见过笑一个女儿。不愉快的父亲,谁在生活中有没有其他的安慰,但这个唯一的女儿,左没有贸然赶走她的忧郁。因此,他为人们踩着高跷走路谁发送,研究员谁跳铁圈,对义和团的法术,谁的杂耍表演魔法般的手过关,强有力的男人,跳舞的狗,为跨越式小丑,在驴子的饮料从一个不倒翁 - 总之,他第一个尝试的东西,然后又使她的笑。但是,所有的时间损失,对任何可能带来微笑她的嘴唇。
Once upon a time the King of Woody Valley had a daughter named Zoza, who was never seen to laugh. The unhappy father, who had no other comfort in life but this only daughter, left nothing untried to drive away her melancholy. So he sent for folks who walk on stilts, fellows who jump through hoops, for boxers, for conjurers, for jugglers who perform sleight-of-hand tricks, for strong men, for dancing dogs, for leaping clowns, for the donkey that drinks out of a tumbler--in short, he tried first one thing and then another to make her laugh. But all was time lost, for nothing could bring a smile to her lips.
So at length the poor father, at wit's end, and to make a last trial, ordered a large fountain of oil to be set in front of the palace gates, thinking to himself that when the oil ran down the street, along which the people passed like a troop of ants, they would be obliged, in order not to soil their clothes, to skip like grasshoppers, leap like goats, and run like hares; while one would go picking and choosing his way, and another go creeping along the wall. In short, he hoped that something might come to pass to make his daughter laugh.