• 琳达·霍华的小说


  • 更新时间:2013-09-01 08:45:59
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  • 作品简介: 她一开始就注意到他,不仅是因为他高大的身躯, 最主要的是他所散发出来的气势,既有如帝王般的磅礴, 又有如魔鬼撒旦的魅惑。而很快地,她的直觉得到证实,他果然来意不善。 他曾经是这个家的一份子,是这个家的灵魂。 如今他在多年无消息后,回来索取原该属于他的那份产业。 但这才只是他回来的目的之一,他最主要的目的却是要复仇, 要让黑家剩余的另两个人为当年种下的恨果付出代价。 她并不知道当年的恩怨,但她的直觉告诉她, 他是个危险人物,而

Blue Moon已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-07-05 09:57:51
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  • 作品简介: One full moon a month was bad enough, Sheriff Jackson Brody thought sourly; two should be outlawed. Nature's rule of survival of the fittest had been all but negated by humans, with advances in modern medicine and the generally held view that all

White Out已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-06-27 09:26:43
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  • 作品简介: It was going to snow. The sky was low and flat, an ominous purplish gray that blended into and obscured the mountaintops, so that it was difficult to tell where the earth stopped and the sky began. The air had a sharp, ammonia smell to it, an

Dying To Please已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-06-24 12:48:29
  • 大小:3.84 MB
  • 作品简介: Dying To Please Chapter 1 THE CEILING FAN STOPPED. Sarah Stevens was so accustomed to the slight whirring noise of the fan that the lack of it immediately awakened her. She cracked open one eye and peered at her digital clock, but the
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